Tracking - Covid-19
US customers: If there are delays in delivery, please read this for the newest updates: COVID-19 (click here).
Update 06/18/2020: We have good news. The situation is calming down and we have new Information that we want to share with you:
- Old Yun Express packages (tracking numbers start with "YT"/ orders from April) get new updates since a few days, after the status "customs clearance completed" lasted very long. According to USPS, many old packages are expected to arrive next week. If you would like to know your USPS number, please email us and we will send it to you.
- If you still have the status "customs clearance completed", we would like to inform you that this status can last for a maximum of 40 days, after which there will be an update. This means that your package should hopefully arrive within 2 months.
- If your shipment was sent with Yanwen (tracking numbers start with "UF") and there hasn't been a status update for a month, please send us an email and we will send you a new package immediately.